Creating an account with Job Link Cyprus has been made as simple as possible.
1 - From the main menu, select "Register".
2 - Select the "Employer" tab.
3 - Fill in all requested information:
A - User name : The name should be longer than or equal 3 characters.
B - Email : The email should be valid.
C - Password : Create your account password.
D - Phone No. : Add your phone number.
4 - Accept our terms and conditions and get verified via reCAPTCHA.
5 - Click "Register" at the bottom of the form to complete your registration process.
An email containing your new credentials ( username and password ) will be automatically sent to the email address provided.
Notice: We will not send any confirmation email to the email address provided. The account will be verified and confirmed automatically.
After completing the registration, you will be forwarded to your new "Employer dashboard".
In order to login to your account, select "Log In" from the main menu. Then after a successful authentication, you will be forwarded to your dashboard.
After creating your account, you can proceed to create your company profile.
From your dashboard, Select "Company profile".
- Upload your company logo and company banner cover.
Max file size for Logo is 1MB, Recommended dimensions are: 280x230, and Suitable files are .jpg & .png.
Max file size for cover is 1MB, Recommended dimensions are: 1920x165, and Suitable files are .jpg & .png.
- Fill in all respective company information, such as description, specialism, social networking and contact information.
- Click "Update".Creating profile for your company helps our Candidates / Job seekers understand your business and also let them contact you by email through Job Link Cyprus Portal.
Once your company profile is created, you can now proceed to post your job listing.
Select "Post a New Job" from your dashboard.
Job posting process should go through three steps:
1 - Job details
Fill in all requested information about the vacancy such as description, Specialism, Job type, Location of job ..
Once done, Click "Next" to go to the second step.
2 - Package & Payments
In this section you will be presented with the available "Job Posting Packages", In addition to an option also to upgrade your Job visibility to be as "Featured".
As you go through Job posting process, you can purchase your suitable package from the list of job posting packages
If you have already purchased a job package from "Pricing" in the main menu, you can choose that package which will be marked as "Already Purchased" Detail, Click on (Detail) to know the status of your package and to know as well how many Used / Remaining job posts.
Using a posting job package:
- Helps you avoid paying every time you post.
- Gives you a flexibility and ability to post your job vacancies at any time during the package validity period.
- Helps employers to get best offers on job packages at guaranteed lowest prices.
Featuring your posts:
All Jobs Listing can be upgraded to Featured for an additional fee of 20 Euros only.
By upgrading a specific job to be as featured job, It will increase exposure for your job vacancy by being visible on Job Link Cyprus home page and on top of all job vacancies.
Once done,
- If you are using your package for payment, Click on "Post a new job", your job listing will be posted live to Job Link Cyprus in real-time and no need to go to the third step, All done.
- If you have not purchased any package Or you do not want to use your purchased package for payment, Click "Continue to pay" to go to the third step.
3 - Confirmation ( Checkout )
In this section,"Checkout" section, It is a final step, where you can add a Coupon Code for discount and then filling in all requested details about the buyer "Billing Details".
You can choose one of the following payment gateways (JCC gateway / Paypal).
Click "Proceed to pay".
Once done,Your job listing will be posted live to Job Link Cyprus in real-time, All done.
Please check and make sure that "Application Deadline Date" is setup with a future date. A Candidate can't apply for the job listing after the submitted "Application Deadline Date" is expired.
Once a job vacancy expires, it will be automatically removed from the job portal and can't be accessed by job seekers until one will post that vacancy again.
Employers can manage their job vacancies from the Employer Dashboard. by Clicking on ( Manage Jobs ).
In this section employer can edit jobs (make changes) / Update jobs and delete previously added jobs.
And can also view applications received against each particular job vacancy and has also the ability to download applicant CV, and to contact applicants, To view resumes and much more.
From the Employer dashboard.
- Click on "Transactions" to know have info about the purchased package, The price and payment type and the status of it.
- Click on "Packages" to know the expiry date of it, Remaining & Used job posting credits in addition to the status of the package.